In Utah the PTA sponsors a program that helps children experiment with different artistic mediums. Our school is great because the PTA goes all out and makes sure every child who participates is awarded a medal for their participation.
The fun part is that the kids have to do the project ALL BY THEMSELVES. McCady entered in three different categories: Visual Arts, Photography, and Film/Video.
The theme for this year was simply: Wow!
So she received medals in Visual Arts and Photography, but in Film/Video she placed in the top five in the school, received a trophy and her movie was sent on to the state competition. Follow this link to watch the video.
I am so lucky to have her. My willingness to let her use the camera is all thanks to my sister Amy. Does this classify as hands on a camera Amy?

Oh my goodness, Anne! That is too precious. I read about your "episode" at the hospital. That must feel so frustrating. So I am hoping for many wonderful distractions for you--many things to make you say "Wow!". And really hoping that the radiation stops this terrible monster in the closet/ elephant in the room. I wish I could be a part of your writing group. They are lucky to have you!
Delightful! Thank you for sharing with us! As always, we wish you and your family the best! We continue to pray for all of you! Love, the Arringtons
She is so adorable Anne, all your girls are! Congratulations McCady!!
I am sorry about the procedure not working, all this has got to be SO frustrating. We are still thinking about you and praying for you and your little family. Have a Merry Christmas!
That video is flat out hilarious!!! Thanks for sharing it with us.
I am crying tears of laughter!!! Those girls crack me up. Ben is going to die when he sees this. I love you, I hope you have a good day, I'll call you later.
That is the cutest thing ever!
She is darling- she looks just like you Anne- same expression on her face. I was so sad to miss out on the party the other night. Thank you so much for your generous gifts.
This home IS filled with Love & Dreams! I LOVE that she was singing, "When we're helping we're happy...for we love to help Mommy for we all love her so." :) We ALL love her, so. These girls are angels! I was cracking up at how McCady was talking to her sisters. Ashton does that, too. But now that they're all older the followers don't like feeling like minions anymore. :) I'm going to show this to Ashton...she will crack up!!! McCady and her "WOW-sisters", I suspect you will do everything with flair, just like your mamma!
Anne, that was so fun to watch and I can't believe how much McCady looks like you. I am going to have to let my kids go crazy with our camera now. Actually, we do let them go crazy with the camera it just isn't as fun to watch:) It kind of makes me motion sick. Now I will use a tripod and show them McCady's organizational skills. Congrats McCady!
Hi Anne - we have missed you at writing group so i thought i would check out your blog to make sure you were okay. i'm so sorry about the gold implant episode - what a lot of ups and downs you have had with this disease! i'm glad you can wait until after Christmas for the surgery but i hope it doesn't loom over you and keep you from enjoying the holiday.
i love mccady's video! it is so cute! we have watched it several times [i had to show it to my kids] my son - who usually invites friends over after school on Fridays to play PS2 wants them to come watch her video instead. that's high praise coming from a 10 year old! all your daughters are beautiful and so sweet and happy! you can tell they are much loved. so are you! i hope you can come back to group soon!
All I can say is WOW!
Loved seeing your princesses in action-- and our little Avery just stood and watched entirely captivated!
Anne, your daughters are so beautiful just like their mother. I got your blog info from your sisters. I hope you don't mind if I follow your treatments via this blog. All of my siblings are praying for you and wish you the best. If you ever need anything please let me know. I love you and wish you a Merry Christmas!
Is McCady really that big?? Has it been that long since I've seen you? Oh my, she is beautiful. All your girls are.
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
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