The BIG NEWS from the trip centers around Maiya's WAH WAH. Her little companion from birth--that little piece of silicone, that's going to cost at least $3,000 in braces when she's fourteen--ah the pacifier.
Ward told her that while we were in Jackson she needed to find a nice animal to give her wah wah to. She fretted about it the whole three days, until on the last day we were driving out of town, past the Best Western. It had a whole bunch of carved wooden bears all around it. "Look!" we said, "Baby Bears!!!!" We drove around the entrance to the hotel until we found the perfect little baby bear--who really needed his own wah wah (you know because he doesn't have a mom or dad and the wah wah will make him feel better). Well this little guy was perfect because he was standing right next to a trash can (keep Jackson Clean!).
She bravely gave the bear the wah wah and then leaned down to give him a kiss. I wish the pictures showed how dang cute it was.
She talked about the wah wah the whole ride home and for the next three nights (when she didn’t sleep). Then she remembered she'd given her Uncle Wyatt (26) a wah wah for his birthday--a gag gift about the size of my hand. "Maybe he'll share," she said.
It is such a growing up moment when they do this. My heart stops everytime we have to get rid of the binkie. They just seem bigger after that, don't they?! Glad to hear you got away for a little bit. Hope you had a nice time just resting and relaxing with your sweet family.
That is too cute. I hope next year a warmer spot is chosen that looks freezing.
cute girl, what a great idea. i hope she is sleeping without it. i know we will have to go through the same thing with ruby kate but o well.
Hi Anne, it is Rebekah (Krause) Gardiner. I just linked to your blog through Diana's. I hope you don't mind. Just wanted to let you know that I think you are amazing. Just from the few posts I read you make me want to be a better person and daughter of God. THANK YOU!!
Those darn binkies! My oldest (Carter) had one until he was three and a half. He would put it in the side of his mouth, like he was chewing a cigar, pound on the keyboard of my computer, and growl, "I'm workin'. I'm workin'."
I guess that's how I looked...
I love Jackson! Happy Anniversary!
What a great story! What a special way to get her to give up her Wah Wah. Maiya is growing up. Glad you could get away together.Warm or cold, Jackson is always a fun place to go.
Don't worry Anne, the pictures do capture it...and then your journaling makes it even more perfect.
That was so cute and funny! Thanks for sharing!
Okay Anne, You inspired me! We got rid of the Binkie this week too! Hurray. Thanks for the little push. Maiya is too cute, and the pictures make me laugh. What a little sweetheart. Love you!
Very cute kids, and a very good idea. We are still working on the thumb sucking with Riley. We hope you had a great time getting away in Jackson. It did look a little cold though.
Sooooo cute! What a wonderful moment to hang onto. Like always, you've captured it!
I'm so glad you all had a nice time together. I love the pictures--and the person taking them, too.
That is such a fun way to get rid of the binkie. I just kept cutting Andrew's until there was nothing left. The girls didn't want one, in fact Meg would gag on it and I remember thinking..."why am I trying to force her to take this?"
Anyway, can't wait to see you tonight!
Love, Heidi
Hey anne, I know I already blogging on this post. I don't have your e-mail and I couldn't find you on facebook. Anyway, my friend is putting a relay for life together in murray for June 26-27 and I was wondering if you and your family would come and walk with us. We had so much fun walking in our city and we would love to have that memory with you and your family. Think it over and let me know here is the website.
you can e-mail me at
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